Level 1: ages 9-12
Level 2: ages 13-16
Dates: Jul 5 – 30
10AM – 12:30PM (EST)
1PM – 3:30PM (EST)
All Access: $75
Rise sessions: $50
NJPAC faculty provides a positive and nurturing learning environment for your dancer. Summer Intensive has something for everyone, no matter your experience or background. Build new skills, and find new opportunities to express yourself creatively.
Led by dancers from Carolyn Dorfman Dance Company, students will learn professional choreography as well as create their own.
Jersey Arts People’s Choice Award Winner for “Favorite Performing Arts Camp”
Lisa Gunn-Becker
Welcome to YASI 2020! This is not quite how we expected things to be, but I am excited to offer programming and engagement for our young creatives.
One of my favorite parts about artists is we are masters at adapting. We can’t control situations but we can control how we react. Living through our current health crisis and looking at where the arts fit in has been eye opening. Quarantined or not, people need to be able to express themselves, to communicate, to have a say, a voice. We cannot connect physically at this moment but we must all find ways to stay engaged.
This summer’s offerings have three components. Morning classes focus on technique in a students chosen arts expression (theatre, musical theatre dance). The theme of the afternoon is “Coast to Coast” connections. My hope is to bring together not only students from around the country, but to create teaching artist partnerships from unexpected and non-traditional views all focusing on finding expression and student voice.
The day will conclude with Mastery Teaching Artist sessions. NJPAC’s best teaching artists will take a deeper dive into subjects of their passion.
It’s a first time for a lot of things. 2020 will be a year we’ll never forgot. I hope these new opportunities will strengthen not only ways of artistic expression but give a platform for young artist citizens to find their growing voices. So, what do you have to say?
See the Experience
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