Ladies of hip hop resources
Ladies of Hip Hop is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering girls and women in hip hop culture. Rooted in New York City, the company reclaims and transforms spaces to provide all women a platform to be heard, seen, respected, and celebrated within the greater hip hop and arts communities. Ladies of Hip Hop is building the next generation of hip hop’s changemakers by providing resources and opportunities, including dance training, performance showcasing, mentorships, educational programs, and career development support.
The Ladies of Hip-Hop Dance Collective is an all-female intergenerational dance collective that creates dance works illuminating the strength, power, and diversity of women in hip hop.
Michele Byrd-McPhee is a street dancer, an arts activist, and a tireless advocate for girls and women. She has been working for decades to re-contextualize spaces and conversations about hip hop culture along gender, sex, cultural, socio-historical, and racial lines. Michele is relishing her roles as a performer and production manager for The Jazz Continuum, along with her 20-year commitment as Executive Director for Ladies of Hip-Hop and artistic director of Ladies of Hip Hop Dance Collective.
NJPAC On the Mic invites your students to expand their experience of attending a SchoolTime Performances show. We provide three podcast episodes for each production, suitably aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and New Jersey Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies. With NJPAC on the Mic, the learning begins before—and continues beyond—your visit to the New Jersey Performing Arts Center!
How to Listen to njpac on the mic podcast
Episode: ABOUT (5 minutes)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for an introduction to the performance, the artist or company, and the venue.
Includes: An introduction to the performance, artist & venue, welcome message
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos
Sound editing, sound design, and voiceover by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC Student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Epidemic Sound
Welcome message voiced by Michele Byrd-McPhee
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos
Episode: CONNECT (8 minutes)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for reflection questions, a closer look at an aspect of the performance such as historical context or background on the art form, and a brief selection of vocabulary words.
Includes: Reflection question, a look at freestyle, cypher, and call-and-response in hip hop culture
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos
Sound editing and design by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC Student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Epidemic Sound
Opening question voiced by Michele Byrd-McPhee
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos
Episode: SPOTLIGHT (10 minutes)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for an exclusive interview with an artist from the production or an NJPAC staff member followed by discussion prompts.
Includes: An interview with the founder and executive director of Ladies of Hip Hop, discussion starters
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos
Sound editing and design by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC Student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Epidemic Sound
Interview guest: Michele Byrd-McPhee
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos
NJPAC On the Mic is produced in partnership with CM Studios.
NJPAC Arts Education performances team: Rosa Hyde, Treasure Borde, and Kendall Lipham
CM Studios producers: Michael Aquino, Dania Ramos
NJPAC and CM Studios are located in Essex County, New Jersey, situated on the traditional territory of the Leni Lenape people.
Episode links and sources
NJPAC | Arts Education programs: njpac.org/arts-education
NJPAC | About NJPAC: njpac.org/about
NJPAC resources | Ladies of Hip Hop: njpac.org/arts-education/teacher-resources
Ladies of Hip Hop: ladiesofhiphop.com*
Masterclass | Understanding Hip Hop Dance: masterclass.com/articles/hip-hop-dance-explained*
Music Industry How To | What Is Freestyle Dance?: musicindustryhowto.com/what-is-freestyle-dance*
Discover the meaning and importance of the cypher in breaking: redbull.com/us-en/the-importance-of-the-cypher*
All the Ladies Say (documentary film): alltheladiessay.com*